rc kirby 2nd June 2014

Peter was an active member of our Audio Visual group and has produced many memorable productions. Like his photographic work, Peter liked to push back the boundaries with his AVs. Peter was an artist and would recognised the fact in other peoples work. I remember I submitted a print for a competition after spending some considerable time working on the image only to be slated by the judge and given a mark of 14. I was gutted. After the competition Peter collared me and said that the judge was blind. He recognised the feeling that I was trying to achieve and gave me a “well done”. Coming from Peter, I value those comments more than all the 20s in the competitions. When we started the AV group and was looking for a venue to hold our meetings Peter was quick to offer his Office, which we were very grateful. I remember once he was flying back from Hong Kong the day before our meeting. I suggested we moved to another venue or change the date of the meeting. Peter wouldn’t hear of it and opened up promptly at 8:00pm. That was the man he was. Pete, thanks for all your help and memories, and may you rest in peace Rip